dH2Ome. Fresh water for everybody
Personal Info
Name: Cosimo Scotucci
Nationality: Italian
Institution / Company: Cosimo Scotucci
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cosimo_scotucci/?hl=it
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/cosimo-scotucci-1544296b
-HONOURABLE MENTION of Non Architecture Award Competition | Category: Aspatial
Water covers 71% of the planet’ surface. Unfortunatelly this water is too salty to be used.
Water scarcity is one of the most pressing issues of our time.
Goal 6 of the United Nation’s 17 SDGs tackles this issue, defining the agenda to give access to fresh water to millions in the upcoming 20 years.
Is it possible to transform the oceans in immense fresh water reservoirs?
Is it possible to make it with a carbon neutral process?
DH2OME is an infrastructure that aims to provide fresh water where is most needed. Many of the countries that are experiencing water scarcity are in the tropical area and the majority of these are under-developed or developing countries, where the sun is shining most of the year and is by far the biggest energy source.
DH2OME consists in a greenhouse sank in the oceans. Thanks to the solar radiation, the water inside of the dome evaporates, separating itself from salt, to condense eventually on the glass surface above. The fresh condensed water drops, through only gravity, slide down into the draining system embedded along the perimeter of the abutment. Once there can be extracted or spilled into pipelines.
The salt could be sold generating money and fostering the development of new economies.
Creating a infinite and affordable source of fresh water, DH2OME lays the foundation of a better society: women and childrens no longer burdened by the water crisis, can care for themselves and for their families, tstarting businesses or pursuing education.
Project Type: dH2Ome is a socio-economic infrastruture
Jury Comments
The proposal dH2Ome is a positive contribution to the water shortage on our planet. The proposal provides not only the idea of creating fresh water from seawater but also a refreshing design on the sea. It is still an imaginative approach that is simultaneously convincing us with a polished aesthetic and simplicity in this proposal.
During the night-time, we imagine that the dome becomes the new landmark of its city. Probably we can build many of its domes in each ocean. Could the proposal enlarge its vision and include some other ideas in the dome that would bring more assets, for instance the sea life ? It is one of the most simple and strong proposal int his competition which could open to new ideas.