Revitalizing Batali Hill- Urban Resilience through Symbiosis
Personal Info
Name: Md. Raquibul Hassan Bhuiyan
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Institution / Company: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
-FINALIST of Non Architecture Award Competition | Category: Urban
A city breathes through its green. But the compromises authority does for the scarcity of land and accommodating over-population damage the natural landscape. Such is the scenario of Batali Hill, one of the richest natural landscapes of the port city Chittagong. Severe growth of crime and uninhabitable living conditions have cut the place off the rest of the urban fabric. Here, human lives are just pawns in the devious cycle of unplanned development, who, have nowhere to go but here. Unless they work for nature rather than against it, this cycle cannot break.
To lead the community towards a resilient urban life, interventions along two core spines are proposed by creating a cultural corridor and a sustainable community, connected with the city by a vehicular and pedestrian network.
A combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches will focus on existing road and housing networks, reconnecting them to create a new functional network and in some cases repositioning the existing fabric as little as possible.
The macro strategies taken are zoning and road network, the micro-interventions include community upgrading. The pedestrian network holds together interaction between the zones so that the area can stay connected with the city.
In the different phases of intervention, the main road and economic artery are kept the same so that the daily economy can sustain simultaneously as the strategies are realized in various areas. This will protect the previous bustling street life of the community while in the background, it changes towards a better future.
Project Type: Urban Design