BROD_ZROD_Reenter the community(!)
Personal Info
Name: Kristián Vnučko
Nationality: Slovak
Institution / Company: FAD SUT in Bratislava, Slovakia
-FINALIST of Non Architecture Award Competition | Category: Aspatial
The phenomenon BROD/ZROD can be described as an asylum, as an educational building, as a pseudo-church or basically anything, what our mind can imagine; it suits every kind of approach and that is the core idea for our kind: it teaches us how to be “human” again.
It sounds as a cliché but just think about it for a second – we need a clear space to dive into our inner self, it needs to be a simplified space without any visual or audio smog. We must attend a walkthrough in several dimension to reach a certain limit, which leads to another limit and to a next one etc. Without limits there is no accelerator for life(!)
Project Type:
The project consists of 2 main parts: the horizontal one is the “Sanctuary”, a longitudinal space under the Danube river in Bratislava – the word brod means ford or wade, it is a specific and mysterious crossing place under the Vodná veža (Watertower – one of the oldest ruins and remains of medieval fortifications in Bratislava, sadly not becomingly treated) and lengthwise the Meridianus Posoniensis. The vertical part is a seemingly endless axis mundi – the dimensions or classes to reach that personal limit to rediscover ourselves:
a cube coated in mirror-steel at the entrance, heated up to 36 °C – your first meeting is an appointment with yourself; blood- and tearletting, a bath in that to cleans the body and soul etc.
Only oddments to achieve the next limit of yours.