How to Catch a Cloud
Name: Su-Wei Chang
Nationality: Taiwan
Institution / Company: DnA Lab
Name: I-Lin Chen
Nationality: Taiwan
Institution / Company: DnA Lab
Name: Chieh-Ming Yen
Nationality: Taiwan
Institution / Company: DnA Lab
-WINNER of Hong Kong Drone Port Competition
Since the 18th century hot-air balloon, airship, till the airplane nowadays, people has always been figuring out the way to get rid of the gravity as well as Hongkong has keep fighting against the restriction.
HongKong, the Asia financial center, has the requirement of huge population, buildings and transportation. Due to the island terrain, most of the land have already been used that made Hongkong turned into a high-rise and high-density city. Such a commercial machine can’t stand out-of-service for a second.
Under several limitations, we consider that install micro units on the existed buildings may be the way to introduce drone system into Hongkong. Through a vertical track , we can send ball-drones up and launch, and set a flying system to different kinds of drone to two layers for the most effectiveness use and management. The magnet rings for catching drone and lay down. It also symbolizes grasping a little freedom in the sky.
The existed transportation system in Hongkong is already quite completed. Thus, a good policy may be needed while creating a new lifestyle. As such, we believe all the flying cloud may play a big role leading to a revolution for Hongkong.
#Revolution #unlimited #dawn #HowToCatchaCloud #liberation