Hive Mind – The Comprehensive Transportation Nexus
Name: Tianjian Li
Nationality: China
Institution / Company: N/A
Name: Yifan Deng
Nationality: China
Institution / Company:N/A
-EDITORIAL PICK of Hong Kong Drone Port Competition
Sitting in the heart of Central, Hong Kong, the Hive Mind is a highly complex urban mobility node that can adapt to the need for air transport in the near future.
By regenerating the One International Finance Centre, Hive Mind integrated existing and future transportation systems. The newly established vertical hierarchy reciprocates to the existing transportation systems such as the subway, off-ground walkway, and connects with Passenger Drone, Package Delivery Drone, PRT, etc. The adjacency to Victoria Harbour also brings convenient access to ferries, yachts, cargo ships, and the spectacular view of Hong Kong.
In addition to public transport systems, the Hive Mind also takes on the role of package receiving, sorting and drone distributing. The conveyor belts spread out multilevel connecting drones, storage, delivery vehicles, etc.
The compact but porous envelope ensured the ease for drones and other air crafts to fly through and land while maintaining eco-friendly. Providing the efficiency for cargo sorting and delivery, the building is keeping the aesthetic feature for the city dweller and urban traveller.
#MobilityNodes #HighDensityCities #SmartCities #UrbanMobility #PublicTransport