Conflux: Where Rivers of the Bronx Meet
Personal Info
Name: Lok Tim Chan
Nationality: Hong Kong SAR
Institution / Company: Cornell University
Instagram: just_tim_1337
Name: Yiyun Liu
Nationality: China
Institution / Company: Cornell University
Name: Yichen Liu
Nationality: China
Institution / Company: Cornell University
-HONOURABLE MENTION of Non Architecture Award 2022 Competition | Category: Urban & Landscape
Conflux: Where Rivers of the Bronx Meet is a comprehensive and extensive design imaginary that addresses complex issues of mega-infrastructures in underserved communities through the concept of rivers and intersections. By reinterpreting infrastructures of transportation, this project transforms the Cross Bronx Expressway (CBE) into a living river for people, cultures, and social vibrancy. It reconnects local communities as it courses through the urban fabric. The concept of rivers as a symbol of life and potential is expanded into the Bronx River, flows of ecologies, in its rejuvenation and reintegration with the redesigned pedestrian-oriented CBE. The rivers further permeate into the surrounding neighborhoods through the web of tributaries and re-imagination of various key blocks around the CBE’s point of interaction with the Bronx River which serves as a feature point, conflux of all different flows, the Bronx Eye. Robust and dynamic spatial, programmatic and ecological design narratives bring about social inclusion and equity but also build resiliency, and respond to climate change impacts and ideals of sustainability.
Project Type:
Reimagining mega-infrastructure in empowering underserved communities
A regional urban revitalization in response to complex issues of social injustice, ecological degradation, and social-economic neglect caused by problematic planning and supersized infrastructure.