Mine(s) Colours
Name: Sabina Blasiotti
Nationality: Italian
The Zichuan’s Festival of Colours is a giant palette of clothes, manufactured by local adepts of the textile industry and craftsmanship, sitting atop the abandoned stone terraces. Part of the Shandong’s Mines Park programme developed by the government, the landscape intervention aims to grow the regional cultural, social, artistic and economic values and prospects.
In a spectacular showcase of different clothes and woven fabric, gems of the local culture
promote Shandong’s heritage and traditional artisanship. The internal community is brought
together in the realisation of the Mines ‘dress’, offering a unique opportunity for a collective
activity strengthening the social identity.
The large scale intervention transforms the abandoned quarries, to turn them from a large area of
ecological and spatial damage, to a work of art. The Zichuan’s Festival of Colours and its dramatic
visual impact on the landscape inspire and attract national and International artists and scholars.
The site is a worldwide attraction, ultimately providing the coevolution of regional economy and
global awareness of abandoned sites.
#disruptedlandscape #heritage #localcommunities #socialidentity #workofart