Wind mining plant: Observing tourist track
Name: Anna Sklezneva
Nationality: Russian
Institution / Company: B&D institute (Institute of business and design), student
For decades human have been using territories of Shandong mines for industrial purposes. Maybe now is the time to stop production here and to start observing the surrounding environment. All the human can do now is leave this area to itself. The ecosystem that existed here needs time to recover.
I propose to create a complex of hiking trails and observation towers on this territory. The unique terraces and elevation differences appeared after a man intervened here form an ideal space for tourist tracks.
As prototypes for 24 observing spots, scattered throughout the complex, will be used constructions of the 20th century European coaling towers. The towers located on a 1-2 km distance from each other will be used as lookout spots and also as landmarks.
Such a complex can increase the economic well-being of local residents. Trails passing through settlements in the quarry area will attract more tourists to the villages.
The territory of the quarry massif is already surrounded by the touristic areas. The hiking trail going through the quarry (total length is nearly 50 km) will connect this territories, so the tourists and local citizens will have a chance to discover new picturesque places.
ınformation about topography situation was taken from «Topo view»
Prototypes for mining towers were taken from the photo collection of Bernd and Hilla Becher of the Tate gallery, and the San Francisco MOMA
#tourism #observation #path #environment #landscape