Adaptative Topography: Reclaiming the usurped landscape.
Name: Andrea Latrille
Nationality: Chilean
Institution / Company: HDRDH Architects
Name: Agustina Poggione
Nationality: Chilean
Institution / Company: HDRDH Architects
Name: Francisca Salas
Nationality: Chilean
Institution / Company: HDRDH Architects
Name: Camila Romero
Nationality: Chilean
Institution / Company: HDRDH Architects
The need for a new purpose and value in a location with unique cultural, productive, ecological and social conditions like Zichuan, demands a project that integrates land recycling, the reclaiming of its landscapes and the restoration of its natural systems.
To create a successful and sustainable Reclamation Project, it’s important to recognize the historical and cultural meaning of it’s landscape, and understanding how ecology and design can create new ways to relate people with landscapes. In this case, where natural systems are circumscribed and close to extractive sites, it’s mandatory to create a new program, heal the scars, and reclaim new uses.
The coupling of different flows and calibration of different processes of restoration bears the potential of transforming linear, monofunctional structures into circular, polyfunctional programs. The idea is to transform these abandoned places, restoring their effluents and emissions, so they become part of urban infrastructure, then the design of softer ecological systems can reform, protect and generate new economies.
Through land-recycling, restoration and reclamation, we can reinstate these obsolete sites as a complex system of services, resources and fundamental processes for the economy and it’s contemporary activities: a hybrid system that responds to cultural and engineering demands.
#restoration #reclamation #landrecycling #neweconomies #topography