Fil Rouge
Name: Alessia Apicella
Nationality: Italian
Institution / Company: Architect
Name: Xhuliano Lacinaj
Nationality: Italian
Institution / Company: Architect
Name: Gianmarco Paglierani
Nationality: Italian
Institution / Company: Architect
As a “fil rouge”, our ideas comes to life through the fracture lines of the landscape, which becomes even more valuable, thanks to its scars.
An holistic path, characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected to the whole.
The idea of eternal recurrence has existed in various forms since antiquity. It’s the theory that existence recurs in an infinite cycle as energy and matter transform over time. In ancient Greece, the Storics believed that the universe went through repeating stages of transformation.
Experience of pleasurable pain for this area is remindful of the aesthetic category of the sublime. In Immanuel Kant’s famous version, the sublime is evoked also in the presence of the nature.
The project combines different fields of activity by linking them with the “fil rouge”, which over time can create even more functions.
In some scenarios, the territory returns to its origins, by creation of new forests and a return to agriculture. In others, new functions brings new job opportunities, with cultural park, art installations, open air activities and improve ceramics sector with laboratories and workshops.
The possibility of the place to regenerate itself, and create new life, passes from man’s ability to evolve by adapting to the places.
#EternalReturn #Cycle #Replanting #SocialActivator #ArtExperience