Floating Gate
Name: Elena Skripkina
Nationality: Russian
Institution / Company: State Research and Design Institute for Urban Development of the City of Moscow
Name: Nikita Shchenin
Nationality: Russian
Institution / Company: State Research and Design Institute for Urban Development of the City of Moscow
Name: Vyacheslav Lyapin
Nationality: Russian
Institution / Company: State Research and Design Institute for Urban Development of the City of Moscow
Name: Veronika Kazakova
Nationality: Russian
Institution / Company: State Research and Design Institute for Urban Development of the City of Moscow
-EDITORIAL PICK of Amsterdam Cycling Bridge Competition
City Bridge
The new Bridge should connect the existing neighborhood without creating a visual and spatial city perception barrier for residents. The new Bridge becomes a linear and functional streetscape connection and a driving factor, accommodating a surge in new cycling and pedestrian urban network. We propose a compact fixed Bridge design (24 meters) within the gulf boundaries only.
City Gates
The Bridge becomes a new symbol and focal point of Amsterdam transit network – Floating Gates above the water. We developed the idea of two lightweight white floating ships, a welcoming signature object for residents and tourists. It creates a memorable link to the historical docks, honoring Queen Wilhelmina.
City Park
The Bridge is not just a transit hub, but a linear urban eco-dominant with greenery, attracting people to explore it. It consists of two floating cone-shaped towers with translucent glass elevators and radius ramps. The base of each bridge tower has a mini garden with a passage to the water. The upper tiers have an observation cafe and a gallery with green accents. The cyclists can choose between the two paths – shorter (300 meters using the elevators) and longer (1200 meters along the conveniently shaped ramp).
#citybridge #citypark #citygate #citysymbol #floatinggate