SeaSpin / A Circus for City Circulation
Name: Ching Huen (Brittany) Leung
Nationality: Hong Kong
Institution / Company:
Name: Margaret Frank
Nationality: American
Institution / Company:
-FINALIST of Amsterdam Cycling Bridge Competition
SeaSpin inspires exploration of the residential and commercial/industrial zones in North Amsterdam. Cyclist and pedestrian traffic from the city center use separate access points; a spiral brings cyclists up and around a pillar provides a staircase/elevator for pedestrians. A gentle slope weaves both paths past each other as they encounter programmatic pylons and other activated spaces. Just before the second larger spiral, where the path widens to accommodate both pedestrians and cyclists, the bridge reaches its maximum clearance height of 22 meters. The second spiral splits bridging the gap between the residential and commercial areas.
The bridge is supported by a series of thickened pylons that function as programmatic points of interest. The secondary structure embraces Dutch building technology by robotic 3D printing sections of branch-like concrete columns assembled on site.
SeaSpin invites a dichotomy of user groups, the commuter and the casual pedestrian. The common commuter benefits from the uninterrupted path that uses gentle chicanes that add variation to the view of the rider. The casual pedestrian has the opportunity to engage, watch, or rest along the journey. SeaSpin takes these separate groups and merges them together to bring excited energy to North Amsterdam.
#ProgrammaticPylons #Beautification&PublicSpace #CommuterVsCasual #Chicanes&Spirals #Intimacy&Altitude