Mondrian Cycling Bridge
Name: LEUNG Wai Hong, Raygo
Nationality: Chinese (Hong Kong)
Institution / Company: School of Architecture, CUHK
Name: YU Man Hon, David
Nationality: Chinese (Hong Kong)
Institution / Company: School of Architecture, CUHK
Name: LUI Shing Hei
Nationality: Chinese (Hong Kong)
Institution / Company: School of Architecture, CUHK
Name: LI Pei Li, Sally
Nationality: Chinese (Hong Kong)
Institution / Company: School of Architecture, CUHK
-FINALIST of Amsterdam Cycling Bridge Competition
“The surface of things gives enjoyment, their interiority gives life.” – Piet Mondrian
This project attempts to create a cycling bridge at the heart of Amsterdam, a city not only renowned for its cycling culture and network, but also as the hometown to one of the greatest painters the country has ever produced.
As one is cycling or walking across the bridge, he is entering the gallery of Piet Mondrian simultaneously. Through immersing himself in Mondrian’s works can he reveal the story behind the apparently absurd and simple lines and shapes. From different points on the bridge and both sides of the river, it can be appreciated as a dynamic two- or three-dimensional artwork, which changes as one’s viewpoint changes.
Serving as a monument dedicated to Mondrian’s work, the bridge is constructed out of two fundamental architectural elements: sticks and slabs. A series of programs is created through the interplay of them indicated by the iconic primary colours in his paintings. Namely the bikeway and sidewalk, outdoor theatre, pier and etc. Furthermore, the varying levels of the sidewalk provide an exceptional walking experience to the visitors as they are traveling on the bridge, who have also become part of the masterpiece.
#BeautificationandPublicSpace #Mobility #LargeWaterInfrastructureandAccessibility #PietMondrian #ArtandCycling