TRIO: Structuralized version of water
Name: Deniz İpek Karataş
Nationality: Turkish
Institution / Company: Istanbul Technical University
Name: Ezgi Kaya
Nationality: Turkish
Institution / Company: Istanbul Technical University
-FINALIST of Amsterdam Cycling Bridge Competition
In these years of modernity, we cannot separate the productions of engineering and architecture anymore. Somehow architecture started to be perceived as functional inanimate thing. The fun and vivid atmosphere of designing was the aim for TRIO.
TRIO is more than a bridge, users can experience water, scenery –and of course the wind while cycling. Three linked roads connects the two sides of River IJ, each of them has unique waves and functions.
When we heard the word “bridge”, it appears in our minds as a straight line. Let’s break this line into three pieces as states of water: Tornado, Underwater and Seconds. Seconds [solid] is the functional line of those three, it is the main structure and a drawbridge that cyclists can reach the opposite shore ~45 seconds. Tornado and Underwater are fun characters of Seconds; Tornado [gas] goes up whirling and lets people enjoy the scenery, Underwater [liquid] gives a chance to touch the river with its moving platform. Seconds and Underwater gained their features because of cruise ships, but Tornado can be defined as the free spirit of this group, maybe the future of transportation.
TRIO imitates water while creating an alternative ground for people to transport.
#water&recreation #publicspace #rhythm #flow&chaos #splash