Rome Reforested – trees as a cure for the urban streetscape
Name: ing. Gert-Jan Wisse M.LA
Nationality: Dutch
Institution / Company: Bureau B+B Urbanism and Landscape architecture
Name: René van der Velde, Professor Landscape Architecture, Research fellow Urban Forestry
Nationality: Dutch
Institution / Company: Technical University Delft, TU Delft.
Name: arch. Angelo Renna M.ARCH
Nationality: Italian
Institution / Company: Bureau B+B Urbanism and Landscape architecture
Name: arch. Simona Serafino M.LA
Nationality: Italian
Institution / Company: Bureau B+B Urbanism and Landscape architecture
-HONOURABLE MENTION of Re-Nature Rome Competition
Rome is the city of imagination. With its special history, a fascination for this city can arise from both reason and passion, as millions of people have experienced over the centuries. At the same time, it is also a place where almost 3.0 million people live, work, and want to have the best possible life. In a recent report by the Wuppertal Institute, Rome scored poorly in road safety, mobility management, and active mobility. It also scored below average in air quality and public transportation.
Rome Reforested – the tree as a cure for the urban streetscape is a strategy in which the upcoming mobility transition towards new sustainable models is placed parallel to the gradual development of nature in the city. The idea is to enrich the city with 3 million trees planted along streets in the next decades. Basically one tree every inhabitant. Increasing the number of trees in the cities territory not only helps to reduce the heat island effect and runoff water in streets and flooding events, but it will also improve the people’s health and wellbeing and will connect the existing green spaces into a green network.
#urbanforests #1treeeveryinhabitant #3milliontrees #pedestrainparadise #ecosystem restoration