Name: Caleb Jennings
Institution / Company: Kansas State University
–FINALIST of Re-Nature Rome Competition
The ancient relationship between Rome and the Tiber River has drastically changed through the centuries. As Rome becomes more developed and furthers its disconnection to the Tiber and the natural world, it also decreases biodiversity and damages the Tiber’s health. The Contevere, meaning “With the Tiber,” is an extensive solution to these issues. It reverses the disconnect caused by the construction of embankment walls and Lungotevere while creating a social and biodiverse hotspot through the city’s core.
The Contevere creates a range of habitats that attract and protect native wildlife. Habitat pockets are scattered across the Riverfront; these provide shelter and food for the urban wildlife. Corridors run between the habitat pockets and along the entire length of the redeveloped riverfront. Floating wetlands clean the Tiber by absorbing excess nitrogen and increasing oxygen levels within the water. These wetlands act as a hotspot for aquatic life that has been greatly depleted.
In addition, the Contevere heals the relationship between Rome and the Tiber. It creates public spaces at many scales to accommodate various needs. Smaller spaces allow a reprieve from the busy streets of Rome, while larger ones accommodate traditional popular events such as the annual Lungo il Tevere.
#ecosystem restoration #habitat creation #river revitalization #healing relationship #social hub