Subterranean Sanctuary: A bridge between species
Name: Veerin Dumrongkijkarn
Nationality: Thai
Institution / Company: International Program in Design and Architecture, Chulalongkorn University
Name: Nattamon Premsoontorn
Nationality: Thai
Institution / Company: International Program in Design and Architecture, Chulalongkorn University
Name: Pattaramon Kraiteerawut
Nationality: Thai
Institution / Company: International Program in Design and Architecture, Chulalongkorn University
Name: Sathida Taesriprasert
Nationality: Thai
Institution / Company: International Program in Design and Architecture, Chulalongkorn University
-HONOURABLE MENTION of Re-Nature Rome Competition
Water is the beginning of life. Plants, animals and people all rely on water to survive. How can water, the most plentiful and essential element on earth, bring life back to Rome?
Subterranean Sanctuary aims to rejuvenate the historical city of Rome with biodiverse habitats and create harmony between people and animals. Bringing water from River Tiber through underground networks, water passes through Piazza del popolo, the square of the people, and slowly brings back the once fertile soil underneath. The infrastructure continuously branches off toward other piazzas and reintroduces wetlands to urban areas.
Mimicking a natural phenomenon, the height of the reservoirs increases during the day then lower at night. This innovative feature creates uniquely-changing spaces for different activities throughout the day.
The structures take inspiration from birds’ natural dwellings to accommodate different species: seagulls, pigeons, starlings and other feathered friends. Carrying with them various seeds, new plants are dispersed across the land. Life slowly blossoms. Trees and flowers start to bloom, welcoming insects, birds and wildlifes seeking refuge from the buzzling city of Rome.
Subterranean Sanctuary encourages human interaction while at the same time forms a connection between people and animals, past and future, urban and nature.
#Re-wilding&NaturalReservoirs #UrbanPark #Cohabitation #WaterHabitats&Deltas #RomeUnderground