Polder of Rome
Name: Lotte Kruijshoop
Nationality: Dutch
Institution / Company: HKU Master Interior Architecture
Name: Bruno Slagboom
Nationality: Dutch
Institution / Company: HKU Master Interior Architecture
Name: Marieke Pouw
Nationality: Dutch
Institution / Company: HKU Master Interior Architecture
–FINALIST of Re-Nature Rome Competition
Imagine having a walk through the center of Rome, on the one hand you see an infinity of historical buildings, on the other hand urban nature pops up near the waterfront of the Tiber River. The river lives!
In order to bring the river alive and to strengthen the meaning of the river for the inhabitants of Rome, we implement a long-lasting Dutch concept: the ‘wisselpolder’. In short, this means that the waterside of the river can be overrun by the river-water and when the river turns dry it can be used for other activities such as communal farming and recreating. The waterfront is covered with vertical gardens, flowers, herbs and insect/bee hotels. By diversifying the range of habitats and vegetation, the biodiversity will increase and more species will find a new home around the Tiber River.
As an addition, the characteristics and identities of the neighborhoods are reflected at the waterfront. This way the riverside operates as an actual extension for the communities near the river. The aim is to make the river and her direct surroundings a new urban destination for all kind of life (animal, human, insects, bird) to play, learn, meet and gather.
#dutch polder #community gardens #waterfront #vertical forests #walkability