Biocoenosis Nest: Rome, Italy
Name: Oscar Villarreal
Nationality: Mexico
Institution / Company: The Bartlett School of Architecture at UCL
–FINALIST of Re-Nature Rome Competition
For the past 200,000 years, humans have become the dominant species on the planet. This led to a population and consumption growth that is damaging biodiversity. In order to prevent catastrophic scenarios, by-products of the Anthropocene era, a non-human centred approach is needed.
Through the exploration of climate change scenarios, which could generate a flood in Rome by the year 2670, the project Biocoenosis Nest, instead of creating a boundary with water, embraces it and explores the marshlands created. The marshland becomes a biodiversity node that provides nutrients required by non-humans to grow. To connect the marshland properties to optimal habitat locations throughout the city, slime mould is used to approach a non-human centred distribution. The terrain is explored with machine learning to combine human and non-human entities in a more balanced coexistence in the Marshland City. The volumes extracted with code algorithms are analysed with different human and non-human programs required to become multi-specie nodes forming a Synthetic Fibrous Nest.
The Marshland City embraces a flood to establish controlled coexistence in a post natural scenario. The Synthetic Fibrous Nest provides non-invasive habitat for non-humans on the marshland. This creates an association of different organisms in a non-invasive integrated community.
#postnatural #Re-wildingandnaturalreservoirs #Waterhabitats #Ecosystemrestoration #Repopulation