Name: Sirada Kittipongkosol
Nationality: Thai
Institution / Company: INDA, the International Program in Design and Architecture
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/siradawoi/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ameey.aim
Name: Porpiang Ratanapongphasuk
Nationality: Thai
Institution / Company: INDA, the International Program in Design and Architecture
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rdshxt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
-EDITORIAL PICK of War Cities: Utopian and Dystopian Visions Competition
Donetsk Academic Regional Drama Theatre is a momentous mausoleum to the city of Mariupol. The architecture is damaged, but the spirit of the city remains. Every material layer of this mausoleum is still covered by the nostalgia of past and present generations, amalgamated like a new material.
War has been a constant event being negotiated in Mariupol for the past 8 years: from the reception of IDPs from Donbas, to the brutal ongoing siege of the city. We propose a scenario where people try to recollect the past within the ruins, and build upon the old material to create a new meaningful center within a framework of ongoing conflict. Identity is preserved within the fractured building as a manifestation of their own identity as citizens.
Through these fragments, the architectural manifestation becomes one of ruins, amalgamated ruins, becoming a new explicit structure that is used as the constant protection for the symbolic identities. This is how nostalgic memories are constrained in the amalgamation of that are merged, under siege.
The speculation is an intensely charged moment where the destroyed architecture is built from the people’s spirit. Even though the form is changing, the spirit embedded within is timeless.
#Ruins #Fragmentation #Amalgamation #Manifestation #Identity