Grocery Run
TEAM: Mateusz Pospiech – Poland
-FINALIST of BUYING Competition
Be as fit as your produce.
#fit #adventure #nomoredullshopping #vr #runforrestrun
Bored of dull shopping routine? No motivation for gym and exercises? Valuing your time and energy? Craving for an adventure? Grocery Run is here to revolutionize your everyday life!
Our state of the art virtual-reality domes can take you far away from the weariness of daily routines and drop you in the exciting world of adventure. Explore ancient rainforest ruins like Indiana Jones, climb mountains to find hidden caves or wander around bazaar labyrinths of Middle East – Grocery Run is your gateway to an array of exciting activities for all ages, where you get fit and take care of your shopping list at the same time. Begin your adventure now!