Genesis – Ode to Nature
Name: Julius Schwartz
Nationality: German
Institution / Company: –
Name: Cara Haehl-Pfeifer
Nationality: German
Institution / Company: –
Name: Philipp Schmider
Nationality: German
Institution / Company: –
– EDITORIAL PICK of 2020 Monument Competition
The concept behind this proposal is to give nature a space to grow and unfold freely without any human disturbance in order to give credit to its importance, beauty and force. Protected by four tall concrete walls, 112m2 of anthropogenic cityscape is given the possibility to be recaptured by the local flora and fauna. Much like its very own Genesis, where nature – as the voluntary prisoner of architecture – creates an oasis of green behind those walls. People can observe but are forbidden to intervene with or even enter the space. Peepholes are cut out of each of the four walls just big enough for someone to glance through and get an idea of what is happening inside. As an ode to nature itself and therefore dedicated to its omnipresence, the monument can be situated in any urban context, namely plazas or other open spaces that allow for a lively interaction with the public. ’Genesis’ not only acknowledges the utter resilience of nature as fugitive from mankind, it further exemplifies the need to protect the marvellous beauty and abundant diversity of Earth.
#monumentfornature #voluntaryprisonerofarchitecture #architecturaloasis #fugitivefrommankind #educationandculturalexchange