Name: Felix Mueller-Hartburg
Nationality: Austria
Institution / Company:
– FINALIST of 2020 Monument Competition
In 2020, our world was turned upside down by the Covid19-pandemic. Like a shockwave, the virus went through all social classes and affected every single person on the planet in one way or another (sanitary, socially, economically….). It soon became clear that we are all connected on this planet and it was only together, as a community, that we could contain this global crisis. Keeping a social distance from 1 metre proved to be one useful measure to do so.
This monument tries to commemorate the fact the we are all equal, that everybody on this planet has a social responsibility and that – in unity – we are able to battle all big crisis’ on this planet.
Columns – historically often used as a symbol for a victory over something – symbolise the personal victory of every single person on this planet over the disease and/or its consequences. They are 1 metre in width and stand in a distance of 1 metre to one another, commemorating our global effort of battling the pandemic in unity by keeping a social distance. Being 39 columns in total, they form a forest of columns which the visitor can wander freely. Getting towards the middle of the forest, the feeling of isolation everyone felt during this difficult time is once again perceptible. The columns (5 metres in height and tapered on the top) hold a big roof with a slightly reflective ceiling. Visitors who look up, will notice that the columns “hold” the reflection of the people walking through the “forest”. Thus, the roof can be interpreted as our present society and the columns as the pillars of it.
#social integration #cultural exchange #community #social responsibility #equality